Update: Check out my NEW website (still in progress) at robertlowellrussell.com (it redirects to a wordpress account, but it's nice.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

"Scents of Life" to appear in Daily Science Fiction.

Yesterday I received an acceptance from Daily Science Fiction for a story, "Scents of Life," that is what I consider "the best thing I've ever written" (so far). Unlike my other two stories to appear in DSF, this is a full length story. It incorporates some of the research I've done as a nursing student as well as some of my experiences with my father, who suffers from Alzheimer's disease. Believe it or not, it is actually a POSITIVE sci-fi story, something I've found all too rare in what tends to get published these days. I'm very excited about this sale, and it is likely to result in my upgrade to full Active status in SFWA. Yay!


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