Update: Check out my NEW website (still in progress) at robertlowellrussell.com (it redirects to a wordpress account, but it's nice.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"Path of Stones" to appear in Penumbra's Fractured Fairy Tales issue (May '12)

I just received word that my story, "Path of Stones," will appear in Penumbra's Fractured Fairy Tales issue out this May.

This was welcome news after a rough week of final exams (I did well on the exams, but not as well as I wanted).

This will be my third pro sale, and if Digital Science Fiction and Penumbra both eventually become SFWA qualifying venues (and I believe that is their intent), I will be able to go from from associate to active status (one more goal met).

I will be sharing a TOC with Damien Walters Grintalis and others (whose thunder I won't steal until they've had time to break the news themselves).

I'll provide additional links as they become available.

[edit] And I just realized this makes ten published stories for me (plus a reprint). Double digits, baby!


1 comment:

  1. Congrats! Penumbra is good stuff. I'll look forward to your story.
